Innovative eSignatures in DocuMatrix Products - Documatrix
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Innovative eSignatures in DocuMatrix Products

The DocuMatrix Group has been working closely with the start-up and newcomer project sproof since 2020. This is a young and motivated spin-off company of the FH Salzburg, around Clemens Brunner and Fabian Knirsch.

They have managed to gather a dedicated team around them, which is passionate about the topic of digital signatures and is considered an absolute specialist in this field.

Although DocuMatrix does not yet integrate digital signatures into its various software products as standard, it has already successfully implemented them for individual joint customers in cooperation with sproof.


Unbelievable, but true:
The integration of the digital signature into the DocuMatrix solution docPIPE took only 15 minutes!

The fact that the integration of sproof’s signature solution can be integrated into docPIPE’s existing system in just 15 minutes is due, among other things, to the high compatibility of the solution, of course, but also to sproof’s innovative programming.

The young company has managed to create an application from scratch that is equally easy and intuitive to use for both developers and end users. The tool is designed in a modern and expressive way, so that it can be used by anyone, regardless of IT skills. At the same time, the integration has been made as easy as possible for the developers.

The usability and flexibility of the solution optimizes the user experience on both sides and takes it to a whole new level. At the same time, sproof’s solution is easily scalable and can be integrated with any number of customers – be it 10,000 or 50,000.

Application areas of digital signatures in corporate communication

This revolution in simplicity means that DocuMatrix products can now digitally sign a wide range of corporate communication documents. For example, the application with joint customers enables the signing of policies, insurance contracts, invoices or reminders without media discontinuity. The clear advantages of this system are, of course, a lower error rate, absolute traceability of the processes, clear identification of the signatories, and increased efficiency of the processes by avoiding media discontinuities.

Increasing legal certainty

sproof is also optimally positioned with regard to the legal regulations concerning digital signatures and, thanks to its innovative solution, enables an increase in legal security in all corporate communications. The users of the solution benefit above all from the uncomplicated embedding of the required signatures in the company processes without media discontinuity, as well as the guaranteed identity and authenticity of signed documents. All existing laws and standards of the Austrian business environment are completely fulfilled and adhered to.

Both DocuMatrix and sproof are members of ICT Austria.
We are therefore all the more pleased that this cooperation has come about and that the entire value creation takes place in Austria.

This is precisely why the cooperation between the two companies is not only simple, but also regionally anchored.

Are you interested in a digital signature solution? Feel free to contact us for all info on integration with our inventory systems.

Article written by

Markus Gruber and Gerhard Gruber

We look forward to talking with you!