Design your internal corporate communication digitally and in real time
In addition to communication with external stakeholders, internal company communication is essential for business processes in the insurance sector. Coordinated internal processes ensure efficiency and a high standard of quality in the company. Seamless integration of the communication tools into the surrounding systems sustainably facilitates the entire corporate communication as well as the generation of personalised documents, such as service contracts or pay slips. For process optimisation, you can basically choose between full or partial automation. DocuMatrix products can be easily integrated into all existing IT systems and business processes using standard interfaces. In this way, you help your company achieve the set goals internally in the context of continuous process optimisation.
The advantages of internal communication with DocuMatrix software
Digital optimisation of internal communication
Supported creation of documents
The generation of internal documents is often non-value-added work, such as the creation of employment contracts, references or payslips. The goal is to carry out that kind of work quickly and efficiently in order to use as few resources as possible. Maintaining quality, complying with legal regulations and ensuring constant employee satisfaction play an essential role here.
DocuMatrix solutions provide support exactly where you need it – with ready-made approval processes that give users security in their daily work when creating templates and documents. These templates and modules significantly increase efficiency, as they can be integrated and maintained at the touch of a button. The DocuMatrix software also allows for collaborative editing of documents, enabling cross-departmental collaboration based on multiple channels.
Workflow-based real-time processes
Lengthy internal workflows are triggered by events within business processes. For example, pending authorisations or internal approvals cause new communication loops in the organisation. Although these processes are necessary in everyday working life, they often result in multiple versions of the same documents, which could be avoided.
With DocuMatrix software, these can be eliminated specifically by enabling the exchange and collaboration of employees in real time, for example. With this solution, you are also able to send notifications through different channels (chat, messenger, e-mail, etc.) within internal communication processes. At the same time, the appropriate document is ready in the work basket of the responsible employee. Internal workflows can then be provided with various approval processes without duplicates being generated. This means your company can operate with a higher level of quality and efficiency thanks to the higher speed and error avoidance.
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